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carbon footprint

with our newly optimized Green Care Performance Calculator!

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Innovative dosing and
refill system

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Clean laundry – gentle to your skin


Our certified washing systems

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Go Green Initiative




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Green Care Professional

Success Stories

You too can become a sustainability role model!

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Safe. Effective. Circular.

Products for integrally sustainable cleaning

More about the Circular Economy

In Perfect Harmony with Nature

Our Development Guidelines

Make sustainable cleaning your added value.

Quality &
Safe for humans
& environment
Circular cleaning

Reduce your carbon
footprint now with
Green Care Professional!

Select your business segment:

Your annual savings potential:

Carbon dioxide



Your annual consumption of cleaning products:500 l

1,000 L

2,000 L

3,000 L

4,000 L

5,000 L

10,000 L

20,000 L

30,000 L

40,000 L

50,000 L

Find the right products:

Offices & Commercial space
Hotels, Cafes & Restaurants
Public Offices
Healthcare Facilities
Educational Institutions

Circular Economy

Not only sustainable, but recyclable!


1. Formulas

1. Formulas We use only plant-based surfactants in our sustainable formulas. They contain no critical ingredients or allergens!

2. Product Our products are safe for users and kind to the environment.

3. Compost

3. Compost Our cleaning chemicals are biodegradable.

4. Plant-based Raw Materials

4. Plant-based Raw Materials We use renewable, plant-based raw materials.

1. New Packaging

1. New Packaging We see waste as a resource: Almost all of our packaging is made of recyclable and recycled waste.

2. Product

2. Use Phase The dosing of our products is simple and resource-sparing.

3. Recycling

3. Recycling Simple disposal of empty packaging via the Yellow Bag.

4. Technical Raw Material (recyclates)

4. Technical Raw Material (recyclates) Sorting and processing yield recyclates that are used to make packaging of high-quality plastic.


With Green Care Professional into a circular future

Our new image film


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Recyclate Initiative

Does the telling count or is the count telling?

While others just talk about it, we already have

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100% recycled plastic bottles* in use.
Thats’s a world record for 100% recycling!

*from the Werner & Mertz Recyclat Initiative

Get your circulation going!