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Category: Standard



We consider sustainability
in everything we do –
for the sake of the environment,
but also for the sake of
our customers and our staff.

Annual savings:

Carbon dioxide



Simon Hermansen
Sales & Marketing Manager

Cleaning for a healthier planet: we use sustainable products to protect the environment. Because at Renas, we consider sustainability in everything we do – for the sake of the environment, but also for the sake of our customers and our staff. And our customers are very happy to help the environment by using us as a cleaning partner:

We have an assistant at a large company in Odense who is hypersensitive to our old products. She has received our new Green Care products and says that she no longer has allergic reactions and headaches. She also thinks they are fantastic: They don’t streak, the cleaning quality is fantastic, she doesn’t have to think about dosing due to the “dosing head”, etc. In short, she is a super happy woman.

We told our contact person at the company that we now use environmentally friendly and sustainable products and suggested to him that the company uses this in their marketing as part of their sustainability policy towards customers and employees.

He got very excited!

Peder Wessels Vej 17
5220 Odense SØ

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GEG Gebäudedienste

GEG Gebäude

We act sustainably and are aware of our responsibility for the environment and future generations.

Annual savings:

Carbon dioxide



Florian Wackler
Managing Director &
Vladimir Zsju
General Operations Manager

“Sustainable and environmentally friendly work is firmly anchored in the principles of our company policy. For our company, we try to use resource and environmentally friendly materials in our work processes wherever possible. As a future-oriented family business, we are aware of our responsibility to society as a whole. For several years we have implemented an environmental management system according to DIN EN 14001 and assess our service offering for its impact on the environment as well as energy and resource consumption.

The use of Green Care Professional products is crucial for us, as it provides excellent support in achieving the goals we have set ourselves. Not only are the cleaning materials less harmful to the environment, but the production processes are also environmentally friendly. The packaging material consists of up to 100% recycled material and is returned to the production cycle.

The calculator is used in customer communication and helps us a lot to win tenders that take environmental aspects into account. We ourselves were amazed at the potential savings in CO2 and raw materials compared to conventional production methods.

We are convinced that everyone should make their contribution.”


Friedrichstraße 11
55237 Lonsheim

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A&O Hostels

a&o Hostels

Ceļo atbildīgi, izvēlies ekoloģisko ceļu.

Gada ietaupījums:

Oglekļa dioksīds



Phillip Winter
Chief Marketing Officer

„Mūsu sauklis ir „Ceļot var ikviens”, kas raksturo mūsu cenu politiku un sociālo atbildību. Ilgtspējība ir mūsu pamatvērtība. Līdz 2025. gadam mēs vēlamies kļūt CO2 neitrāli.

Mūsu mērķgrupa, kuru galvenokārt veido jaunieši, kritiski vērtē ikvienu aspektu un piekopj dabai draudzīgu dzīvesveidu. Tāpēc mums ļoti būtiski ir padarīt savu darbību pilnībā ekoloģisku un vadīties pēc ilgtspējības principiem. Lai to nodrošinātu, mēs izmantojam Green Care Professional produktus.

Mēs ceram, ka mūsu klimatneitrāla hosteļa vīzija iedvesmos arī citus mūsu nozares kolēģus un padarīs pasauli nedaudz zaļāku.“

a&o Hostels GmbH & Co. KG
Adalbertstr. 50
10179 Berlin

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